Ways to Serve in Worship
Ushers' duties include welcoming and directing people when they arrive for worship, helping with seating, directing worshippers during communion distribution, and collecting the offering.
Hospitality Team:
The hospitality team prepares coffee and other refreshments before first service or helps clean up after second service on Sunday mornings and assists with parish potlucks and other special events.
Weekly Hospitality
Sign up to bring light refreshments to one of our Sunday morning fellowship times at 9:45. Sign up or get more information here.
Sound Team:
The Sound operator controls the microphones during the service and assists with recording the sermon. Technical knowledge is not required.
Video Team:
We use a live broadcast system to livestream our Sunday services. Our video operator remotely controls three cameras from the production studio next to the chancel by following a simple, step-by-step procedure. No experience is necessary and training is provided.
Altar Guild:
The altar guild is responsible for preparing the worship space for Holy Communion. Duties include preparing the altar area before a service, caring for the communion vessels and linens following a service, and helping in any way the priest and others serving at the altar.
Lectors are responsible for reading Scripture lessons during Sunday services. Comfort with public speaking is highly recommended.
Acolytes serve at the Holy Eucharist in carrying the cross and torches during the procession and recession, lighting the altar candles, and carrying the torches for the reading of the Gospel. This is a ministry that has been traditionally served by our younger members, 4th grade and older, with our Rector's approval.
Lay Eucharistic Minister/LEM:
The Lay Eucharistic Minister is a lay person who serves in the distribution of Holy Communion. The LEM also typically reads the Second Lesson and serves as a Crucifer when necessary. LEMs must be confirmed members of All Saints and approved by the Rector.
Ushers' duties include welcoming and directing people when they arrive for worship, helping with seating, directing worshippers during communion distribution, and collecting the offering.
Hospitality Team:
The hospitality team prepares coffee and other refreshments before first service or helps clean up after second service on Sunday mornings and assists with parish potlucks and other special events.
Weekly Hospitality
Sign up to bring light refreshments to one of our Sunday morning fellowship times at 9:45. Sign up or get more information here.
Sound Team:
The Sound operator controls the microphones during the service and assists with recording the sermon. Technical knowledge is not required.
Video Team:
We use a live broadcast system to livestream our Sunday services. Our video operator remotely controls three cameras from the production studio next to the chancel by following a simple, step-by-step procedure. No experience is necessary and training is provided.
Altar Guild:
The altar guild is responsible for preparing the worship space for Holy Communion. Duties include preparing the altar area before a service, caring for the communion vessels and linens following a service, and helping in any way the priest and others serving at the altar.
Lectors are responsible for reading Scripture lessons during Sunday services. Comfort with public speaking is highly recommended.
Acolytes serve at the Holy Eucharist in carrying the cross and torches during the procession and recession, lighting the altar candles, and carrying the torches for the reading of the Gospel. This is a ministry that has been traditionally served by our younger members, 4th grade and older, with our Rector's approval.
Lay Eucharistic Minister/LEM:
The Lay Eucharistic Minister is a lay person who serves in the distribution of Holy Communion. The LEM also typically reads the Second Lesson and serves as a Crucifer when necessary. LEMs must be confirmed members of All Saints and approved by the Rector.